Tuesday, October 7, 2008

call lesson plan

LEVEL: Form 1

TIME: 2 Periods

AIMS: Learn about adjectives/superlatives and sending electronic cards

TECHICAL REQUIRMENTS: One computer per group of 2-3 students, with an Internet connection, a Web Browser and email. Each students or group needs an email address.

Websites: http://www.123greetings.com/

1. Locate sites offering suitable electronic greeting cards
2. Check sites before lesson
3. Prepare several examples of greeting cards that have a lot of superlative forms

1. Teacher presents several greeting cards and asks the students which one looks the cutest and the most romantic.
2. Teacher asks the students to identify the familiar patterns of words from all the cards that have been shown.
3. Teacher guides the students to elicit superlatives form from all the cards and explain to the students the rules and how to use superlatives forms.
4. Teacher demonstrates how to send an electronic greeting card
5. Teacher asks the students to exchange their email address with their classmates and asks the students to send electronic cards among their classmates.
6. In order to incorporate the understanding of the lesson, students need to send electronic card by using superlatives form.
7. After the students have done this, discuss any problems they had with the procedure, the technology or the language.


1. Teacher distribute worksheets to the students
2. Teacher asks students to complete the worksheet and discuss the answer together.

Grammar presentation: adjectives/superlatives

1. Use the superlative form of adjectives to single out one thing from two or more things.
e.g - You are the nicest person in the world
-You are the most wonderful friend I’ve ever had

2. There is more than one way to form the superlative of adjectives
a) For one syllable adjectives or two syllable adjectives ending in –y, use: the + adjectives + -est.
e.g - adjective superlative
bright the brightest
friendly the friendliest

* be careful! there are often spelling changes when you add -est
e.g - pretty --- prettiest

*be careful! Some adjectives have irregular superlative forms
e.g - adjective superlative
good the best
bad the worst

b) For most other adjectives of two or more syllable, use: the most + adjectives or the least + adjectives

e.g - adjective superlative
expensive the most expensive
the least expensive

c) For some adjectives, use either the…-est or the most/the least
e.g - My third trip was the pleasantest.
My third trip was the most pleasant.
My third trip was the least pleasant.

3. The superlative is often used with expressions begin with in and of.
e.g - You’re the best mother in the world
He is the smartest one of us all.
This is the most practical gift of all the gifts I’ve received.

4. The superlative is sometimes followed by a clause. Often the clause uses the present perfect with ever.
e.g - That’s the nicest card I’ve ever received
You have the loveliest smile I’ve ever seen

1 comment:

Izaham Shah Ismail said...

Ok. Looks similar to an example given

LP 5.8/10, Presentation 3/5